Monday, October 26, 2009


We decided to cut our pumpkin on Sunday afternoon. Tim was so awesome to do
this for us. I hate the smell of cutting a pumpkin. He was nice enough to cut it for us
since I will be cutting one with my class on Friday. YUCK!!
The only person who was really interested was Boss. He just wanted to eat some.
AK was only interested at the end. Notice the picture of her taking the top off.
Nick got excited when there was fire involved! All in all it was fun. Some of my most
favorite memories as a child are of my parents cutting a pumpkin with us.
Enjoy our pictures of our pumpkin cutting.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fab Fall Weekend

We had a fab fall weekend! I had fall festival at school on Friday night.
No pictures because I was working the putt putt booth. We had been
trying to plan a trip to the farm for two weeks. Saturday we were finally
able to go. Michael, Jessica, and Merrill joined us for the trip. I did not
realize it was 1.2 miles across the state line to Mississippi. It was a great
time even though it was a long trip and some missed their nap (that would
be AK). They had everything that a farm needs to have.
Welcome to Seward Farm.

They had a cool slide made from pvc pipes.
Nick thought this was great.

AK really wanted to slide, it was just a little to steep.

They had really cool things made from bales of hay.
Check out Merril's blog on the right to see the pig.

Good thing those ducks are caged up!

These kids love their cousin Merrill. Nick loves to give her love.

THE COW TRAIN!! Yes, I rode this with the kids.
Notice Aunt Jess in the front. We all ate lots of dirt!!

The hay ride.

Giving Merrill lots of love. She just kicked back and enjoyed the ride.

Corny corn!!

More corny corn!!

Here is Nick trying to decide which way we should go
in the corn maze. He calls himself a great detective whenever
anything is lost.
Which way to go!! This did take us a while to
find our way out.

Two peas in a pod.

They also had a petting zoo.
AK was not sure about the horses.

She says "Let's go".

We had a fun day at the farm.

Fab Fall Weekend Part 2

We finished out our weekend with fall festival at East Pointe Baptist Church
Lunch was served after the service and the kids had fall festival outside.
I couldn't keep my two out of the "jumpy things". They had a hay ride,
snow cones, popcorn, and a cake walk. We came home with one cake.
All my two wanted to do was jump!! We are so blessed to have such a
loving church home.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fall Fiesta

Nicholas had his fall festival at preschool today. They called it
Fall Fiesta. We had a great time with his class. His teachers
are Mrs. Holly (or as Nick calls her Miss Polly) and Mrs. Deborah.
They had a great time eating and playing games.
Digging for matching animals.

Got his face painted. He asked for a car and the lady doing the painting
kind of got a scared look on her face. He settled for a dinosaur.

Decorating his cupcake. That is Mazie beside him. She is the cutest thing!

Decorating his pumpkin. This took all of about two seconds and he was done.

His class. There are fifteen children. Notice how many girls!! Tim is worried.

The "jumping thing" as Nick calls it. This was his favorite part.

They had a lunch of hot dogs, pickles, and cheese puffs.
We finished up with the cupcake they had decorated.
He was so excited that he got to leave with me and
did not have to stay and take a nap!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Nick's New Obsession

Last week Nicholas studied about the letter H. His class cooks once a week
and last week they had hot chocolate. This was a hit with Nicholas.
He said he wanted to get some and put that "white stuff" on top.
So off to Bruno's we went to buy some hot chocolate. We have
had it several nights in a row. He really only wants the whip cream
off the top!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It's Fall Y'all

I know it's been a long time. We have been so busy with school, flu, and a trip to Italy.
The weather has been beautiful here and fall is in the air. We are enjoying our fall
break just hanging out at home. The kids and I both needed to get out, so we took
a trip to Spanish Fort Park.

Look at that look she is giving him.
Having a snack of "jeezits".

This girl loves to slide. It doesn't matter how big or tall.

Look at me.
Happy Fall!!!