Friday, October 23, 2009

Fall Fiesta

Nicholas had his fall festival at preschool today. They called it
Fall Fiesta. We had a great time with his class. His teachers
are Mrs. Holly (or as Nick calls her Miss Polly) and Mrs. Deborah.
They had a great time eating and playing games.
Digging for matching animals.

Got his face painted. He asked for a car and the lady doing the painting
kind of got a scared look on her face. He settled for a dinosaur.

Decorating his cupcake. That is Mazie beside him. She is the cutest thing!

Decorating his pumpkin. This took all of about two seconds and he was done.

His class. There are fifteen children. Notice how many girls!! Tim is worried.

The "jumping thing" as Nick calls it. This was his favorite part.

They had a lunch of hot dogs, pickles, and cheese puffs.
We finished up with the cupcake they had decorated.
He was so excited that he got to leave with me and
did not have to stay and take a nap!!

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